Al-Qasmia Investment LLC is committed to achieving high standards of corporate governance, to promote corporate transparency and to enhance shareholder value. It firmly believes that good corporate governance is essential to the sustainability of the Company's business and performance. Al-Qasmia Investment LLC is pleased to confirm that it has adhered to the principles and guidelines of the Code of Corporate Governance 2012 (the "Code"). In so far as any guideline has not been complied with, the reason has been provided. Al-Qasmia Investment LLC has developed corporate governance practices to help fulfill the company's responsibilities to shareholders to oversee the work of management and the company's business results. The governance practices are memorialized within these guidelines to ensure that Al-Qasmia Investment LLC has clearly defined practices in place for reviewing and evaluating the company's business operations. The guidelines also are intended to align the interests of Directors and Management with those of the company's shareholders.
At Al-Qasmia Investment LLC we forge deep partnerships with executive management, audit committees and board members to help organisations improve their governance processes, comply with regulations, embed risk management programmes and strengthen information technology support for organisational governance. This allows the executive team to focus on expanding shareholder value and seizing opportunities with a data driven, risk-based approach.